Lecture slides and readings:

Recommonded book for this course is Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach ( AIMA )

(grouped by topics)
Lecture Slides Recommended Readings
Introduction to AI Fundamantals of AI UNIT-1: Fundamentals, History, Application of AI
Problem Solving and Searching Chapter-1a     Chapter-2a
(Handouts of uninformed search and informed search).
UNIT-2: Chapter-1 and Chapter-2
Searching and Local Search Chapter-3a     Chapter-3b
Chapter-3c     Chapter-4
UNIT-2: Chapter-3
Constraint Satisfaction Problems Chapter-6     Map/Node coloring problems and crypto puzzles UNIT-3: Chapter - 6
Propositional Logic and First Order Logic Propositional Logic and First Order Logic or Predicate Logic UNIT-3
Perceptron, MLP, ANN, Genetic Algorithm, Planning Artifical Neural Networks, MLP, Genetic Algorithms, Planning UNIT-4

***Please feel free to contact me if you have any doubt regarding the topics discussed in the lectures and assignments.


Submit your assignment(s) before due date

Assignment (uploaded in google classroom) Start Due
1: Based on uninformed search ---- ----
2: Based on informed search ---- ----
3: Based on node coloring problem ---- ----
4: Based on crypto-arithmetic problem ---- ----
5: Based on first order logic and reasoning ---- ----
6: Based on Artificial neural network ---- ----
7: Based on Genetic Algorithm ---- ----
