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Course details
Course Name Course Code Credits Semester Year
Artificial Intelligence MC4112 3 Spring 2024


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been gaining a lot of attention in the modern world. This course gives a basic overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and key ideas and techniques underlying the design of intelligent computer systems. Topics include AI methodology and fundamentals, intelligent agents, searching techniques, game playing, constraint satisfaction problems, logic, knolwedge base reasoning, machine learning, Artifical Neural Network, Genetic Algorithms, planning and decision making.


This course will cover fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence.


The objective of this course is to present an overview of the principles and practices of AI to address such complex real-world problems.



To undertake this course, a background in basic mathematics including:

Reference books:

Operating System Concepts

Book title: Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 4th edition
Author(s): Peter Norvig, and Stuart J. Russell
Publisher: Pearson Education, 2018.

Modern Operating Systems

Book title: Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, 3rd Edition
Author(s): Nils J. Nilsson
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.

Modern Operating Systems

Book title: Artificial Intelligence, 3rd edition
Author(s): Patrick Henry Winston
Publisher: Pearson Education, 2011.

Modern Operating Systems

Book title: Artificial Intelligence, 3rd edition
Author(s): Kevin Knight, Elaine Rich, and Shivashankar B. Nair
Publisher: McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
